My Story

      Hi! I am Stevie! I am a single mom, a retired teacher, a woman redefining life on her terms, and a little girl who lost her dad at the age of 5 to ALS.

I have a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education, a Master's Degree in Special Education, and twenty years of classroom teaching with a variety of experiences.   Following that path was amazing! BUT at the end of it, I was a hot mess! I had ALWAYS had a feeling there was something more and I was supposed to do!  

I realized how much the outside world was influencing my inside world! 

Many of us struggle with stress, anxiety, depression, loss, sadness, and grief that negatively impact our daily lives!  

I thought I had done all the right things that family systems and societal norms dictate to be successful and happy in this life.  Somehow it was never enough.  I kept finding myself in places where I was passionless and unhappy.   

At one point a "switch" literally flipped, "Enough is enough! " It was time to make major changes!  I had switched teaching jobs, worked in different districts, different classrooms, special education, then regular education, quit teaching, took a break, and moved to a different state! I couldn't find any place, where I felt, I belonged!  I was filled with anxiety, depression, physical ailments, and infections. I couldn't eat or sleep, and cried all the time!  It was a disaster!  

In November 2021, I quit teaching!  This was not going to solve all my problems, but it was a start.  So in January 2022, I started a quest to rediscover and reconnect with myself! 

I read, researched, took classes, and attended anything free online that would point me in a different direction, but that also would include my love of teaching! 

During the summer of 2022, I earned my RYT 200 and became a yoga instructor! In December 2022, I started teaching yoga in a studio! Then in April 2023, I began a Transformational Leader and Certified Meditation Teacher Training, which I completed, graduated, and became officially certified in September 2023! 

I have always had a passion for holistic health and wellness.  I discovered yoga first as a way to manage my emotional body and many years later found meditation to support my yoga practice!  So the "switch" flipped again! Why not combine my love for teaching and my passion for health and wellness? BAM! Here I am!  

Guess what? 

Your INTERNAL world is 

what guides the OUTER world,

not the other way around!

My Mission is to help people find ways to LOVE themselves WHOLEHEARTEDLY~ 

Through the practices of yoga & meditation you

can reconnect to yourself~ 

I do this by creating experiences where you can cultivate feelings of safety and connection.  I guide, teach, and share tools and strategies, using restorative and gentle yoga and meditation practices. 

I am so happy and excited to share what has helped me on this journey!  

Through my yoga and meditation training, I experienced powerful and subtle transformations!  My heart and soul want to SHARE this with the world and to continue learning and growing myself!  

I believe EVERY "BODY" can do YOGA!

I believe if you can WORRY you can MEDITATE!

Freedom to Love Ourselves Wholeheartedly

You can learn and practice:







with YOUR True Nature through YOGA & MEDITATION!

Let go of the bullshit stories that say, "You have to be a certain person or a certain way to practice yoga and meditation! "   

This is about you, your wellness, and how you want to live your life!  REMEMBER who you are!  You are a very special, kind, beautiful, giving, loving, amazing, and fantastic person!   I know this because I am YOU!  One of the hardest parts is showing up and the second is doing it alone!  You don't have to!  

I BELIEVE IN YOGA and MEDITATION, and the healing power they can bring into our lives!

My mission is to help and support the world, by creating ways to bring these practices to people who want another way of healing and support.

My passion is creating experiences and holding spaces for people to explore and learn alternative ways of healing with yoga and meditation.   I  can share with you how these have helped me to HEAL, learn to take care of MYSELF, and cultivate a deeper level of self LOVE!  It has helped me to show up more fully in my life for my work and my family!