My Blog

Welcome to my blog space!  I created this space to share my thoughts & feelings!  I hope that something here may touch your heart or resonate with you on some level to let you know you are not alone on this journey!

Being Serendipitous

Serendipity is the amazing turn of events, when something  you've thought about or 

wished for seemingly magically appears. 

A serendipitist is "one who finds value in happy accidents".

I truly believe as humans we are designed for love and connection. I also believe some of us are more open to this than most! We are what I call "irregular people!"

"The excitement of possibility OR the happiness of certainty?"

Here is a question to ponder!

Uncertainty is a gift of possibility!

Sounds insane and crazy, 

I know!

Thoughts on Love vs Fear!

 What do you do when you are a thinker? When you search for answers that no one wants to give you? Or the answers they give don’t jive with your mind?

A Journal Entry on Vulnerability!

It is hard to admit when you have no idea what to do or what you want because it is a perceived weakness.